Areas of Mastery

What area's are you loving and most happy and excited about in your contract right now?

Negotiating Skills
Goal Mastery
Highest Possible rate Mastery
Transition Mastery
Interview Mastery
Resume Mastery
Build Your Team Mastery
How to Mastery
Compensate for Missing Cert Mastery
Emotional Mastery
Stress Mastery
Network Mastery
Persistence Mastery
Being Accepted Mastery
Protection Mastery

What areas would you like to work a little more on?
We can always improve a little more in each area. Thankfully with the solid performance coaching that is accessible now that the bar can keep moving higher and everyone is getting better and better in each of the above areas and MORE... allowing clients to refuse a standard that is less.

It goes without saying that keeping up protects you from being left behind... and I don't have to urge you not to let things slip because that makes it hard to catch up and often puts us further behind... with more things to learn.. less time.. and with less contract opportunities...

SO exactly what is it that you REALLY need to master right now that keeps you happy, excited, motivated, inspired, grateful, loving your career right now?