What is your product


You are now sitting on the other side of the conference table facing your interview panel and wondering how you get across to them your unique selling proposition that is to secure you access to this most prestigious, most highly desirable, high profile project at the best possible rate....

You need to ask:

How certain are you of the Issues they need solved?

How certain are you of the match your product is in doing its part in solving them?

YES THIS CAN feel like you are engaging in your own SPANISH INQUISITION but success eludes those without the COURAGE to activate their OWN curiosity to look at and answer even when uncomfortable questions like

How clear are you on the benefit your product brings doing its part in the overall solution?

How clear are you about the advantage the panel have in choosing your product over others?

IT BUILDS CONFIDENCE instantly in any environment when you can ENGAGE when you are ASKED

What are your Features?
- Access to Skills? Personal? External?
- Access to Knowledge? Personal? External?
- Access to Expertise? Personal? External?
- Access to other external networks, expertise, knowledge, skills, solutions this panel can draw on?

What is your Product?

What does your product development plan look like?

In what way is your selling proposition unique?

How do you get your benefit and advantage across when facing a panel on the other side of the table in an environment such as this? OR is there a better way?